Sunday 1 August 2010

Parachute-Losing Sleep

After grad­u­at­ing from col­lege in 2008, Vir­ginia born rock band Para­chute have toured with artists such as Duffy, Kelly Clark­son, The Script and 3 Doors Down pro­mot­ing their Debut album, Los­ing Sleep which was released on the 19th May, 2009. Their sound is not indi­vid­ual in the least and echoes tones of Maroon 5, Rooster and the all Amer­i­can Rejects, espe­cially the sec­ond track ‘Back Again’ how­ever the result is not bad at all and the album con­sti­tutes great music for trav­el­ling on pub­lic trans­port, whether this an accom­plish­ment worth men­tion­ing, is debat­able. The tracks ‘She is Love’ and ‘Under Con­trol’ were used for the Nivea TV com­mer­cials and the for­mer pro­files the vocal tal­ents of the pretty –faced lead vocal­ist, Will Ander­son. Over­all it seems the album is some­thing one would lis­ten whilst pre­oc­cu­pied with some­thing more orig­i­nal and engag­ing than the music itself.